Singapore University of Social Sciences

Coaching Practice and Practicum

Coaching Practice and Practicum (PLC504)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Education

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


PLC504 Coaching Practice and Practicum will bring together theory and skills used in coaching through a semester-long practice and practicum. As part of Coaching Practice, students will get to coach one another in class, follow through with a theoretical coaching framework, and put to practice coaching foundational skills, micro-skills, and influencing skills taught during the module. A key component of this course will be hands-on practice, observation of others’ coaching styles, and on-the-spot feedback on students’ own coaching style. A self-paced Coaching Practicum will provide students the opportunity to bring what they have learnt in class to the real world, allowing them to have more real-life coaching experiences to draw lessons from beyond the classroom.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Attending Behaviours in Coaching
  • Observation Skills
  • Micro-skills in Coaching: Use of questions in coaching and how to make them work
  • Micro-skills in Coaching: Potential problems of questions
  • Micro-skills in Coaching: Strengths-based questioning
  • Micro-skills in Coaching: Reflecting feelings in Coaching
  • The Five-stages of a Coaching Session using Attending and Micro-skills
  • Advanced Skills in Coaching
  • Self-disclosure in Coaching
  • Feedback in Coaching
  • In-class scripted coaching role-plays 1
  • In-class scripted coaching role-plays 2

Learning Outcome

  • Develop further knowledge, critical skills, competencies and tools to coach others.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, skills and competencies in a range of coaching techniques.
  • Evaluate academic knowledge to inform and enhance personal coaching practice.
  • Apply appropriate coaching models and theories and integrate them in their coaching practice
  • Select and use appropriate techniques for life-coaching.
  • Examine their personal coaching knowledge, skills and competencies.
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