Singapore University of Social Sciences

Criminological Perspectives in Punishment

Criminological Perspectives in Punishment (PSI351)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: Modular Undergraduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Humanities and Social Sciences

Schemes: Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences


PSI351 Criminological Perspectives in Punishment introduces students to the primary schools of thought within criminology and explores sentencing methodology and post-conviction responses in Singapore. The appropriateness and quality of post-conviction responses as well as their manner of design, delivery and administration have direct bearing on recidivism rates as well as the public perception of justice. It is therefore important for current and aspiring professionals in criminal law practice and/or the design, delivery, administration and evaluation of post-conviction programmes to understand the theories informing the development and administration of post-conviction responses. By taking a deeper look into the art of sentencing and examining judicial rationale and the content of sentencing options from the criminology perspective, this course aims to broaden the understanding and expand the frame of reference of students to better engage constructively with the post-conviction elements of our criminal justice framework.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Introduction to Criminology and Classical Criminology
  • Positivist Criminology
  • The ‘Chicago’ School and the rise of Modern Criminology
  • Marxist Criminology
  • ‘Other’ Criminologies
  • Overview and Objectives of Sentencing
  • Sentencing Options and Orders
  • ‘Benchmarks’ in Sentencing
  • Deterrence Theory and Retributive Justice
  • Incapacitation Theory and Preventive Theory
  • Rehabilitation Theory and Expiation Theory
  • Design, Delivery and Administration – the Role of Criminal Justice Professionals

Learning Outcome

  • Examine the content of the main schools of criminology
  • Appraise existing sentencing options from a criminology perspective
  • Analyse the ‘four pillars’ of sentencing in relation to penology
  • Leverage on criminology and penology theories to formulate approaches to post-conviction responses
  • Judge between the aims of sentencing in any given case
  • Implement criminological theories in addressing different post-conviction needs
  • Illustrate existing and emerging trends in crime and penology
  • Discuss the appropriateness and quality of existing post-conviction responses
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