Singapore University of Social Sciences

Applied Research Project-cum-Work Attachment

Applied Research Project-cum-Work Attachment (PSY599)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 12 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Humanities and Social Sciences

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences


PSY599 Applied Research Project-cum-Work Attachment is a 250-hr supervised practicum that includes an applied research project. Students will work independently over two semesters, under the guidance of their field and research supervisors, to develop an applied research project in his/her area of interest within their specialisation track. To ensure relevance and applicability, students are required to understand the issues on the ground first before developing the applied research project. The applied research project should be of sufficient depth, and reflect the student's ability to apply their knowledge into real world settings, showcasing findings that would be relevant and beneficial for industry partners. Students will be required to present their findings in both presentation and report format through a viva voce (oral exam), a presentation pitch to the industry partner, and a written research report of 10,000 words.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 10
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus.


  • Understanding the industry: Planning applied research projects to address industry issues
  • Research and professional research skills
  • Literature review
  • Research design
  • Ethics
  • Academic writing
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Designing recommendations
  • Effective presentation skills: Making the pitch
  • Effective presentation skills: The viva voce
  • Report Writing

Learning Outcome

  • Review and critique relevant literature
  • Examine the ethical issues
  • Analyse research findings
  • Evaluate the importance of the proposed research project
  • Formulate clear research questions and hypotheses
  • Develop an applied research project that addresses industry issues
  • Propose appropriate recommendations for industry partners
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