Singapore University of Social Sciences

Techniques of Counselling and Therapy in an Asian Context: Core Skills and Methodologies

Techniques of Counselling and Therapy in an Asian Context: Core Skills and Methodologies (XAT503)

Applications Open: 01 May 2024

Applications Close: 15 June 2024

Next Available Intake: July 2024

Course Types: Modular Graduate Course

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: $2200 View More Details on Fees

Area of Interest: Social Services

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: S R Nathan School of Human Development


In XAT503 Techniques of Counselling and Therapy in an Asian Context: Core Skills and Methodologies, students will be introduced to the main techniques of counselling and therapy; they will look at different approaches to how the expressive arts can be used for therapy. It will introduce the students to the nature of the therapeutic relationship and the core skills needed to use the arts in healing. It will clarify different theories of therapeutic practice looking at humanistic, psychodynamic and creative arts therapy theories, as well as explore the role of the expressive arts in different practice settings. They will explore how to document the expressive arts therapy journey, and look at the role of supervision in helping them reflect on best practice. Reflecting on these approaches, students will be educated on the core skills of counselling and therapy in the Asian context to enable them to establish positive relationships with their clients to facilitate the creative therapeutic journey. Each weekly class has a lecture and an experiential learning component with role-plays and creative arts group work.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Definitions of counselling and therapy
  • Transference and countertransference
  • Values, ethics and boundaries in counselling and therapy
  • Establishing positive relationships
  • Cross-cultural issues in counselling and therapy
  • Different approaches in therapy - humanistic, psychodynamic, psycho-educational, behavioural
  • Understanding preverbal and non-verbal expressions in counselling and therapy
  • Traditional Asian models of counselling and therapy
  • Setting goals for expressive arts therapy practice
  • Documenting expressive arts therapy practice
  • The role of supervision in expressive arts therapy
  • Personal journalling of expressive arts experience

Learning Outcome

  • Compare and contrast counselling and therapy models.
  • Appraise the foundations of therapeutic work in relation to the arts.
  • Critique the significance of transference and counter-transference when working with the expressive arts.
  • Apply the core knowledge, concepts and theories of counselling and therapy to expressive arts practice.
  • Formulate therapeutic relationships that fit their work settings.
  • Demonstrate core therapeutic skills and competencies like effective listening, questioning and generating feedback in their creative work.
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