SSC EN - Impact Startup Challenge Banner

About the Programme

Join the SUSS Impact Startup Challenge (CDO303XXX) available in Singapore and overseas. ISC is an entrepreneurship bootcamp where students form team, engage in brainstorming sessions, validate their business idea, design prototypes and present a pitch in front of a panel of judges. Students will benefit from opportunities to connect with experts from different domains by engaging with startup and local communities during allocated study trips. This course is a time to meet potential co-founders, learn how to work in a team and gain insights from the ecosystem.

    Participants in this programme will be exposed to the following areas:

    • Startup Ecosystem
    • The Lean Startup Model
    • Business Pitching
    • Overseas Market Access and Opportunities


    The components and weightage of assignments are as follows:

    • 10% - Javelin Board [GBA01]
    • 10% - Value Proposition Canvas [GBA02]
    • 70% - Final Pitch to Judges [GBA03]
    • 10% - Reflection [TMA01]

    Programme Fees

    (For Singapore citizens after subsidy; Different rates may apply for PRs and foreigners)

    • CET Students: Course Fee of SGD$180
    • SUSS full-time and part-time Students: Prevailing Course Fees Apply
    • Overseas Travel Fees: Up to SGD$1,500

    Programme Timeline



    Pre-trip Briefing

    • Trip details
    • Emergency and Safety Management
    • Meet fellow participants and the main mentor
    • Introduction to Lean Startup
    • Possible Problem Statements & 1-min Pitch Brief

    Day 1

    • Icebreaking
    • 1-min Pitch & Team Formation
    • Session 1: Introduction to Javelin Board

    Day 2


    • Session 2: Customer Hypothesis + Problem Hypothesis
    • Session 3: Designing Experiments + Assumptions + Interviewing
    • Session 4: Pivot and Persevere
    • Group Discussions
    • Get Out Of Building (GOOB)
    • Mentoring

    Day 3

    • Site Visit
    • GOOB
    • Session 5: Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) + Solution Testing + Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
    • Mentoring

    Day 4

    • Site Visit
    • GOOB
    • Session 6: How to Build Your Pitch Deck + Go-To-Market  + Unit Economic
    • Mentorship

    Day 5

    • Pitch Deck Preparation
    • 1-on-1 Mock Pitch
    • Pitch Rehearsal

    Day 6

    • Final Pitch to Judges

    Admission Eligibility Criteria

    • SUSS full-time students may register for this course as a 5cu elective under SUSS Core. FTMKTG students can take the course as a major elective.
    • SUSS Part-time students may register for this course as a 5cu course elective under General Elective. BSBM students can take the course as a major elective.

    What happens after ISC?

    Promising teams from ISC are eligible to be fast-tracked into Alibaba Cloud-SUSS Entrepreneurship Programme and gain access to funding of up to S$60K and attain a credit bearing Certificate/Minor.

    Through the Alibaba-Cloud SUSS Entrepreneurship Programme, you will be able to:

    • Gain a network of opportunities to connect with global counterparts and be exposed to the overseas startup scene
    • Get additional mentorship guidance on pitch proposals with entrepreneur-in-residence and industry specialists to improve on current business endeavours
    • Stand a chance to pitch at the inaugural demo day to gain experience and a chance to secure investor funding
    • Get first dibs to enroll in or Fast Track to Alibaba Cloud-SUSS Entrepreneurship programme

    Embark on an Impact Startup Challenge Now!


    Impact Startup Challenge - Featured Articles

    Meet the Team

    Contact Us

    For more information about this programme, please email us, and we will respond as soon as possible.


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