Every A grade at H2 Level will entitle you to one 5 cu credit waiver, up to a maximum of 10 cu waiver of specific SUSS Core Curriculum courses.
- First 5 cu waiver: NCO201: Learn to Learn, Learn for Life
- Second 5 cu waiver: NCO103: Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling
The new credit exemption framework is applicable to part-time and full-time undergraduates who are local polytechnic graduates and admitted into SUSS from July 2024 intake onwards. It is a prerequisite for students to complete your polytechnic diploma within the preceding 5 years from the date of admission into SUSS.
You will be eligible to receive a credit exemption of up to 50 cu distributed across three distinct course categories, namely (a) SUSS Core Curriculum, (b) Free Electives and (c) Major / Second Major / Minor / Specialisation.
View the list of FAQs on Credit Exemption
You will be entitled to a 15 cu credit waiver for SUSS Core Curriculum if your polytechnic CGPA is at least 3.50*.
- NCO103: Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling
- NCO201: Learn to Learn, Learn for Life
- NCO205: User-Centred Design: Human Factors and Design Thinking
You will be entitled to a 5 cu credit waiver for Free Electives for local polytechnic graduates who meet SUSS admission requirements.
Eligible students may receive an additional 5 cu credit recognition, if you have attempted and completed a bundle of 5 UniLearn courses (1 cu each)^. You may sign up for the following UniLearn courses.
^Validity period of 5 years.
*Credit exemption under Free Electives will only be granted if there is provision in the curriculum to read Free Elective courses. For programmes with multiple pathways, credit exemption will not be granted in the chosen pathway (e.g. minor(s), second major) does not have sufficient space to take Free Electives.
You may be entitled up to 10 cu credit recognition for courses relevant to your degree programme, if your polytechnic CGPA is at least 3.60*.
For additional credit recognition (up to 20 cu) in selected courses, you may sign up for the Challenge Examinations.
*Please note that we do not accept appeals if your CGPA do not meet the minimum requirement.
Eligible students may receive an additional 5 cu credit recognition, if you have attempted and completed a bundle of 5 UniLearn courses (1 cu each)^. You may sign up for the following UniLearn courses.
^Validity period of 5 years.
*Credit exemption under Free Electives will only be granted if there is provision in the curriculum to read Free Elective courses. For programmes with multiple pathways, credit exemption will not be granted in the chosen pathway (e.g. minor(s), second major) does not have sufficient space to take Free Electives.
For additional credit recognition (up to 20 cu) in selected courses, you may sign up for the Challenge Examinations.
Courses that you have successfully passed in your previous part-time programme will be given credit recognition if the courses is relevant to the curriculum plan of the new full-time programme.