Assessment for SUSS Full-time Undergraduates

At SUSS, students are assessed through a continuous assessment component and an examinable component. A weighted average mark obtained from the combination of these two will be used to determine the final grade for the course. To pass a course, students must pass both components.

Continuous Assessment Component

Depending on the discipline, the continuous assessment component may include written assignments such as dissertations, case study analyses, essays as well as laboratory reports and research projects completed either individually or in groups.

Some programmes require active student participation in practical hands-on experience training organised as laboratory sessions, mini-project discussion groups or weekend schools.

In some dissertation or project-based courses, the continuous assessment component may comprise progress reports or project proposals which will form the basis of the final report or dissertation. This final report or dissertation is part of the examinable component for such courses.

Examinable Component

Most courses typically contain one examinable component, which may be a written examination, an end-of-course assignment report, an oral presentation, a dissertation, or a combination of such assessment strategies.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

SUSS uses a 5–point GPA system to track students' progress at programme level over the semesters of active study, where they have registered for courses. For continuation of study in the programme, students must obtain satisfactory progress during their candidature.

 Class of Honour (OLD)

For Students graduated in January 2024 and earlier semesters.

Class of Honour (NEW)

For students graduated in July 2024 semester onwards.

First Class**Honours (Highest Distinction)**4.50 - 5.00All courses (i.e. courses at all levels) are counted in honours classification
Second UpperHonours (Distinction)4.00 - 4.49
Second LowerHonours (Merit)3.50 - 3.99
Third ClassHonours3.00 - 3.49
PassPass2.00 - 2.99
FailFailBelow 2.00Student will not graduate

** Under the old Honours Classification system, a student must also achieve at least an A- grade in the designated Capstone Course. Under the new Honours Classification system, Capstone Course grade will no longer be a criterion for determining the Honours Classification awards.

Academic Standards

The Academic Board of SUSS appoints external examiners from reputable universities to ensure that high academic standards are maintained in all programmes. Appointed external examiners work together with faculty staff to ensure high standard for student assessments and provide constructive recommendations to enhance the standard in course presentations.


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