'We should work towards building a strong alumni community that will be able to provide support and guidance to the current students of SUSS'
I chose to pursue a Bachelor in Accountancy after a 6-month stint in an audit firm's tax department peaked my interest in the subject. Attracted to the opportunities and exposure beyond academic curriculum, and the flexibility SUSS provided, the decision to join the SUSS family was solidified.
I recall my most memorable memories in SUSS – taking an elective which involved the participation in the 'Gobi Desert Challenge', a 120km trek over 4 days where fellow faculty members, staff and students' group together to compete with other universities. What made the experience even more meaningful was raising funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore through the challenge. 'It was a truly special experience that made me feel like our university was very different from the rest.'
Being part of the pioneer batch of students under the then newly established SUSS, I had many leadership opportunities as well, taking on the role of student facilitator for orientation camps, where the team spent several weeks brainstorming for the event. My active participation in leadership positions, combined with my academic achievements led to attaining many accolades – the Service-Learning Award, ISCA Achievement Award, and the SUSS Spirit Award. The holistic learning practices has put me in good stead through my career, motivating me to pursue further qualifications and knowledge. 'I believe that we should work towards building a strong alumni community that will be able to provide support and guidance to the current students of SUSS.'
Grateful for the opportunities SUSS has given her, I joined the AAAC, hoping to provide a pillar of support and guidance to current students. As an AAAC member, I would like to build a more tight-knitted SUSS alumni community, and to encourage the alumni to give back to the SUSS community in any way possible. 'As graduates, we are very privileged to be able to be given the opportunity to further our education and therefore, we should give back to the community and empower the younger generation to achieve their goals in life.'
*To join hands with fellow alumni and support others on their education journey, make a gift to the SUSS Alumni Lifelong Education Fund.