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Professor Kenneth Poon

Prof Kenneth Poon - Profile Page


Kenneth is Lien Foundation Chair Professor of Education at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University where he serves as Dean, Education Research, and Director of the Centre for Research in Child Development. He leads a longitudinal study of secondary school students and serves as President of Rainbow Centre.

Session Theme: Participation in Education

The inclusion of students with special educational needs in educational settings frequently (over) focus on the placement of students within regular schools. Whilst placement is certainly an important outcome, it is necessary to examine whether the child is participating in the educational setting (and hence benefiting from the experience). One concept important for understanding educational participation is engagement. I will be examining engagement in my presentation from several lenses. First, it will be examined from a theoretical perspective. Next, the approaches for assessing engagement will be explored. Finally, ideas for schools, families, and communities to foster educational engagement will be explored.

Why is the topic of participation important to you?

Inclusion is more than about being in a similar location with peers. It is more than a positive outcome. Participation, particularly meaningful participation, is important as it gets to the core of what inclusion is. Participation happens when students are being engaged in activities. Participation occurs when learners are able to respond actively to the curriculum. Participation occurs when there is a sense of belonging within the environment the learner is in.

Tell us a little bit about what you personally like to participate in!

I enjoy trail running and exploring different cultures with my family.

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