The JY Pillay Lecture Series is a tribute to Mr. JY Pillay, whose visionary leadership, commitment, and remarkable contributions to public service have shaped Singapore’s governance and economic progress.
SUSS is proud to host the JY Pillay Lecture Series. As Singapore’s only university dedicated to the social sciences, we are uniquely positioned to champion governance excellence.
Made possible by a $600,000 endowed donation led by philanthropist Mr. Hsieh Fu Hua and friends of Mr. Pillay, the series underscores the profound respect and admiration for Mr. Pillay’s contributions to society. Launched on 27 November 2024, the annual lecture series will continue to feature eminent local and foreign thought and practice leaders to facilitate knowledge innovation, creation, and sharing.
As SUSS Chairman Mrs Mildred Tan said in her opening address,
“Good governance isn’t just about systems or structures; it’s about principles. It’s about ensuring fairness, building trust, and making decisions that place the well-being of people at the centre. Mr. Pillay has shown us that a society built on strong governance is one that thrives, and he has dedicated his life to fostering just that.”