On 20 July 2019, 22 students and alumni attended the Vocal Training Workshop, where they spent two hours with a professional vocal coach, Aaron Lim. Aaron is one of the only two Estill Master Trainers for Voice Singapore, having 18 years of experience guiding hundreds of students to the big stage.
Before going into singing itself, the participants were taught the basics of vocal anatomy and physiology. After understanding the different factors affecting our pitch, Aaron went into how we could make use of some techniques and practices to tweak our tones, reaching the higher and lower pitch ranges.
Those who had trouble reaching the high notes were taught to eliminate and control the physiological conditions associated with straining in a process called “head voice”. High notes that are sung with balanced physiology do tend to have better resonance than falsetto or strained notes.
Towards the end of the class, a few volunteers also stepped up to sing in front of the class, after which Aaron provided them with valuable feedback and technique practices which can help to improve their singing.
It was definitely an eye-opening and fun session for the participants!