Professor Iram Siraj
Prof. Iram Siraj (OBE) has held positions at the Universities of Warwick, London and Oxford, and has an international reputation and expertise for longitudinal research and policy. She has co-directed a number of world-first influential studies, including the Effective Provision of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE, DfE, 1997-2015), the transformative Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years (REPEY, DfE, 2002), and the Effective Leadership in the Early Years Sector (ELEYS) studies. She has co-investigated Effective Early Educational Experiences in Australia (E4Kids, Australian Research Council 2009-2015).
Her recent studies focus on professional development (PD) interventions looking at the impact of evidence-based PD in Australia, the UK and Norway, leadership in early education in LMICs (World Bank), a British Academy Grant to study the development of refugee pre-schoolers in Malaysia (2019-2021) and an EEF maths intervention in 106 primary schools to improve maths for 4-6 year olds in the UK. She was Technical Advisor to the OECD IELS international pilot study advising on child measures. She has three widely-used quality rating scales in the cognitive (ECERS-E 4th Ed. 2010), social-emotional (SSTEW, 2015) and physical (MOVERS, 2017) domains.