Audience of Warriors Two took a group photo with Sammo Hung 洪金宝在《赞先生与找钱华》放映前与观众合影留念
Co-organised by Singapore University of Social Sciences and the Singapore Film Society, the 12th Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF) returned with a spectacular celebration of Chinese cinema from 26 April to 5 May 2024. Over the 10-day run, with a total of 47 film screenings and 15 post-screening discussions with filmmakers, the event attracted over 4,700 attendees and sold out 11 screening sessions.
Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan, Festival Director of SCFF 2024 and Director of Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS, giving his opening speech 符诗专副教授(2024年新加坡华语电影节策展人、新加坡社科大学中华学术中心主任)致开幕词
The opening night saw almost 200 esteemed guests across the education, film, business and cultural sectors. The night began with the heartfelt feature film, Fly Me to the Moon, by emerging Hong Kong director and screenwriter Sasha Chuk. The film, which stars Chuk herself, follows the journey of two sisters moving from Hunan to Hong Kong amidst identity issues, poverty and familial struggles. The film’s raw emotions deeply moved the audience, and was so popular that extra screenings were added for it and In Broad Daylight, an award-winning crime drama film from Hong Kong.
Sasha Chuk, director of Fly Me to the Moon, speaking at the post-screening interaction session 香港导演祝紫嫣亲临开幕片《但愿人长久》的映后交流会
Lawrence Kan, director of In Broad Daylight speaking at the post-screening interaction session《白日之下》两场放映皆全场满座,导演简君晋亲临映后交流会
Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan (first from left) hosted the panel discussion with Sasha Chuk, Jin Ong, Yan Xiaolin and Chin Chia-Hua (second from left to right), who shared about the “home” depicted in their films 符诗专副教授(左一)主持电影节座谈会,与主讲人祝紫嫣、王礼霖、闫啸林、靳家骅(左二起)畅谈各自电影中对于“家”的理解与描绘
Group photo of panel discussion speakers with audience 座谈会主讲人与观众合影留念
One of the festival’s highlights featured a panel discussion on ‘Home is where the Heart is: Chinese Family Drama’, where accredited film directors, Sasha Chuk (Fly Me to the Moon, Hong Kong), Chin Chia-Hua (Trouble Girl, Taiwan), Jin Ong (Abang Adik, Malaysia) and Yan Xiaolin (Carp Leaping Over Dragon’s Gate, China), delved deep into the heart of family dynamics, commonly depicted in Chinese films.
Sammo Hung shared his experience and insights in the film industry in Masterclass 洪金宝在大师班与观众分享其从影多年的经验与心得。
Kenneth Tan (left), president of Singapore Film Society hosted the post screening Q&A of The Bodyguard with Sammo Hung (right) 新加坡电影协会会长陈继贤(左)主持电影《特工爷爷》映后交流会,与洪金宝(右)对谈。
Thanks to the Singapore Film Society and Asian Film Awards Academy, Hong Kong’s legendary director and martial arts star Sammo Hung made an appearance at the exclusive ‘Sammo Hung Masterclass’ segment and post-screening discussions for Warriors Two and The Bodyguard, delighting fans with stories from his illustrious career. As part of the festival’s spotlight on Hung, five of his iconic films were also screened at the ‘Filmmaker in Focus: Sammo Hung’ section.
Ho Sze Wai (right), director of Before the Box Gets Emptied attended post screening discussion of Snow in Midsummer, taking picture with the director, Cheong Keat Ann (left) and female lead One Fang (middle) 导演张吉安(左)与演员万芳(中)出席《五月雪》映后交流会,香港短片《直到我看见彼岸》导演何思蔚(右)到场支持并合影留念。
Yan Xiaolin (second from right), director of Carp Leaping over Dragon’s Gate attended post screening discussion with producer, Wang Ying (second from left) and their friends中国导演闫啸林(右二)、制片人王颖(左二)偕友人一同出席《菠萝,凤梨》映后交流会
Chin Chia-Hua (middle), director of Trouble Girl continued to engage with the audience offstage after post screening interaction 观众对《小晓》反应热烈,导演靳家骅(中) 在映后交流会结束后仍与观众在场外进行交流。
SCFF’s organising committee extends sincere gratitude to our generous sponsors including the Chinese Language & Culture Fund, Taipei Representative Office in Singapore, Taipei Business Association in Singapore, Shaw Foundation, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, as well as official venue partner Golden Village, official media partner Lianhe Zaobao, programme partners, presenting and school partners for contributing to SCFF 2024’s success. Our success would not be possible without the patrons, attendees, filmmakers and media too!
Associate Professor Calvin Chan, Assistant Provost (Curricular & Student Matters) of SUSS (second from left) attended SCFF2024 opening ceremony 新加坡社科大学助理副校长陈明礼副教授(左二)与友人出席电影节开幕放映会
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- Facebook: Singapore Chinese Film Festival 新加坡华语电影节
- Instagram: @scfffest
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- Facebook: Singapore Chinese Film Festival 新加坡华语电影节
- Instagram: @scfffest