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MECE Shanghai Study Trip 2024: Unveiling the Impact of Play in Early Childhood Development

Last month, 20 SUSS students and alumni from the Master of Education in Early Childhood Education Programme (MECE) went on a study trip to Shanghai spearheaded by Associate Professor Sin Joo Ee, Head of SUSS’ Master and Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (Chinese). 

MECE students Associate posing for a group photo with Professor Sin Joo Yee, Head of Master and Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (Chinese) Programme

MECE students and associate posing for a group photo with Professor Sin Joo Yee, Head of Master and Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (Chinese) Programmes and Jason Gan Han Meng, Professor from SUSS S R Nathan School of Human Development (first row, left to right). 陈如意副教授(新社科大学前华文教育学士及学前教育专业硕士课程主任)(前排左起)与颜汉民(新社科大纳丹人力发展学院讲师)带领学前教育专业硕士课程学生与校友参与上海学习之旅 

This trip provided MECE students with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the Anji Play approach, which is built on five interconnected principles: love, risk, joy, engagement and reflection. Rooted in the belief in the child's innate abilities and the right to self-directed, uninterrupted play, Anji Play emphasises the importance of play in helping children explore their environment and acquire essential knowledge and skills.

MECE students cheerfully visit Anji Children's Village, where Song Dan, a representative, shares the importance of play in children's development.

MECE students cheerfully visit Anji Children's Village, where Song Dan (third from left of back row), a representative, shares the importance of play in children's development. 参访团与安吉儿童村代表宋丹(后排左三)合影

During the trip, the group visited several kindergartens implementing the Anji Play approach, including Anji Children Village, the Experimental Kindergarten at Shanghai University, Zhangjiagang Experimental Kindergarten, and Zhangjiagang Nanfeng Kindergarten.

MECE students posing with Yang Dongqing (second row, sixth from the left) and Xu Cuidan (second row, fourth from the left), the Principal and Vice Principal of the Ex
MECE students posing with Yang Dongqing (second row, sixth from the left) and Xu Cuidan (second row, fourth from the left), the Principal and Vice Principal of the Experimental Kindergarten at Shanghai University, during an incredibly insightful visit that offered fascinating perspectives on innovative early childhood education practices. 新社科大及华东师范大学参访团与上海大学附属实验幼儿园园长杨冬青(第二排左六)和副园长许翠单(第二排左四)合影

These visits were eye-opening for our students and alumni, who learnt about creating a conducive learning environment through play. Prioritising children's autonomy at the core, these kindergartens feature different learning zones, such as creative arts areas and science corners. This approach also provides various educational toys to facilitate free play and learning.

Outdoor activities at Shanghai University Experimental Kindergarten encourage risk-taking and exploration within a safe, yet unrestricted environment, fostering creat
Outdoor activities at Shanghai University Experimental Kindergarten encourage risk-taking and exploration within a safe, yet unrestricted environment, fostering creativity and independence. 上海大学附属实验幼儿园户外活动

Lin Jiahui, an SUSS MECE Year 2 student, shared, “I’ll try to apply what I learnt from the study trip, especially some concepts of Anji Play.”

Zhang Aihua, an SUSS MECE Year 2 student, reflected, “As preschool educators, we should put more emphasis on observing and accompanying children, instead of telling them what to do.”

Learn more about SUSS’ Master of Education in Early Childhood Education Programme here.


参访团访问了安吉儿童村、上海大学附属实验幼儿园、张家港市实验幼儿园与张家港市南丰幼儿园,观摩各园所推行安吉游戏(Anji Play)的教学策略与模式,并与教育专家进行交流。


通过这次学习之旅,参访团借鉴了安吉游戏(Anji Play)的实践经验,为新加坡学前教育带来了新的启发。成员张爱华表示:“安吉的教师提出了‘闭上嘴、管住手、睁大眼、竖起耳’的口号,坚持‘最大程度的放手,最小程度的介入’的原则,注重观察、记录、陪伴和一对一倾听,从而实现教育公平。”另一位成员林佳卉则说:“此次参访让我深受安吉游戏精神的感染。未来,我会致力于将这种游戏精神融入幼儿园的教学活动中,让孩子们在游戏中享受乐趣,健康成长。”

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