The University offers course fee concession for selected graduate programmes. Please click here for more details.
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding – SSG Subsidy
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) provides a 70% subsidy for Singapore Citizens (SC) and Singapore Permanent Residents (PR) for approved SkillsFuture courses, applicable to both self-sponsored and company-sponsored applicants.
Self-sponsored applicants can use SkillsFuture Credit to offset remaining fees, while eligible applicants may also receive up to 90% subsidies through schemes like ETSS and the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy.
Applicants only pay the difference between the full course fees (set by the University) and the government funding from SSG.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the funding:
- Have not previously received a government funding for the same course
- Enrolled as Credit students
- Required to achieve at least 75% attendance
- Pass any prescribed examinations/assessments or submit any course/project work (if any) under the course requirement
- To complete all surveys and provide feedback related to the course
Applicable courses for SSG Subsidy: SCM503, SCM511, SCM513.
Please click here for more details
SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy
Singapore Citizens (SC) aged 40 and above pursuing approved SkillsFuture courses with SUSS are eligible for the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy, which covers up to 90% of course fees.
Eligibility for this enhanced subsidy depends on the SC student’s eligibility for the approved courses. Please click here for more details.
This allows SC students aged 40 and above to pay fees up to 90% lower than the standard subsidised fees for SC/PR students under 40.
SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) and SkillsFuture (Mid-Career)
These courses are eligible for Singaporeans aged 25 and above to use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay for the course fees. This course is also eligible for Singaporeans aged 40 and above to use their SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) to pay for the course fees. For further information on SFC and SFC (Mid-Career), click here.
To find out more about SkillsFuture Credit, please visit here.
Course Fee Concession
Singapore University of Social Sciences offers the following course fee concessions for students to enjoy one of the two categories:
- Applicants who are aged 60 and above will enjoy 20% course fee concession OR
- Alumni (Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral programmes) of Singapore University of Social Sciences and Singapore Institute of Management will enjoy 20% course fee concession
The above course concessions are applicable to all programmes (excluding Graduate Certificate) offered by the University unless specified otherwise.
They are not applicable to students under any scholarship or sponsorship schemes, SkillsFuture funded courses as well as courses offered with external institutions/organisations. The concessions are also not to be used concurrently with any other concessions. Please click
here for more details.
Concession for First Two Master’s Courses - Alumni Benefits
For Singapore University of Social Sciences Alumni (Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral programmes) will also enjoy an additional 30% course fee concession for the first two master’s courses when they enrol for a Graduate Diploma and/or Master’s programme with the University. The enhanced course fee concession scheme is subjected to the
Other Financial Aids
There are other various types of financial aid available to students who need financial assistance:
- Bank Study Loans
- Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
- Marriage and Baby Bonus Scheme
- SUSS Student Care Fund
Please click
here for more details.