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New Beginnings & Friendships: Memorable Moments from SUSS July Orientation 2024

On 3 August 2024, our campus buzzed with excitement as nearly 2,000 new students were welcomed into our vibrant academic community during Freshmen Orientation. This event marked the beginning of an exciting journey for our Part-Time (PT) and Full-Time (FT) students, setting the tone for a year full of opportunities, connections, and growth.

Freshmen engaging with their peers at the Let’s Chat Putting U in Success segment.
Freshmen engaging with their peers at the Let’s Chat: Putting U in Success segment.
Getting introductions to their schools during the Deans’ welcome address.
Getting introductions to their schools during the Deans’ welcome address.

The day kicked off with the lively networking session, "Let’s Chat: Putting U in SUcceSS," held in the Grand Hall. More than 900 PT freshmen joined in, diving into engaging conversations with peers from all walks of life. Seated in clusters of 24, with rows facing each other, they quickly broke the ice, forming the connections that will support them throughout their academic journey.

Freshmen engaging in conversation with a senior student.

Freshmen engaging in conversation with a senior student.

Meanwhile, FT freshmen experienced their version of this dynamic networking event with "Let’s Connect: Putting U in Success." This was a chance to bond with seniors from their major programmes and connect with faculty members. The energy was palpable as these new students began to build their academic and social networks in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

The excitement didn’t stop there. The Student Life Fair (SLF) brought the campus to life, showcasing 26 vibrant booths from Advocacy, Competition, and Interest Groups (AG, CG, IG), along with jaw-dropping student performances. With over 100 students involved, the SLF highlighted the incredible opportunities for freshmen to dive into campus life, explore their passions and find their tribe.

Electrifying performances from Dance Interest Group, serving looks and moves. Electrifying performances from Dance Interest Group, serving looks and moves.

Our new students also got a crash course in the SUSS ecosystem. They met the friendly faces behind the offices and departments that will be their go-to resources, from Career Development and Global Programmes to the Entrepreneurship department and beyond. These introductions ensured that every freshman left feeling confident and well-equipped to thrive in school.

Staff from the College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning booth engaging with a student

Staff from the College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning booth engaging with a student.

This year’s orientation featured a special treat: the inaugural Junior Explorer Programme, designed for freshmen who are also parents. They brought their little ones, aged four to nine, along for a day of discovery while they attended the orientation. Hosted by BeeAmazed, the children explored the world of bee farming, savoured honey tasting and unleashed their creativity with arts and crafts. It was an enriching experience for the whole family, blending education with fun.

Children learning hands-on how to handle bees at our exciting Bee farm experience!
Children learning hands-on how to handle bees at our exciting Bee farm experience!

The anticipated Lucky Draw segment had everyone on the edge of their seats as 10 lucky PT and FT freshmen walked away with prizes worth up to $589! Thanks to the generous sponsorship from Sony and Microsoft and several $45 Uniqgift vouchers, the lucky draw injected a dose of excitement that kept the energy high and spirits soaring.

A Student Leader joyfully presents a freshman with her prize, marking an exciting orientation moment.
A Student Leader joyfully presents a freshman with her prize, marking an exciting orientation moment.

A massive shoutout to all the SUSS departments and student leaders who made this unforgettable orientation possible. Here’s to an amazing academic year for all our freshmen!

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