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SUSS giving day

Investing in early childhood educators is crucial because of the role they play in nurturing children to develop a love for learning and become lifelong learners. Read how the Association for Early Childhood Educators (AECES), Singapore supports these educators and its impact on one student’s journey.

When we admire a building, few of us would think, “This tall and beautiful building has a strong foundation.” Instead, we tend to appreciate the visible architectural features. 

“Yet, it is the foundation that plays such a remarkable role in supporting the building,” says Dr Chen. “Similarly, early childhood educators are foundation builders. We lay the groundwork for a child’s development, where he or she learns life skills, such as resilience and tenacity, for life’s journey.”

That is why AECES invests in the next generation of early childhood educators. The association works with the sector to advocate and support the development of children and their families towards an inclusive society. 

“As early childhood educators, we must believe in our work and give the little ones the best building blocks to kickstart their journey of learning and discovery,” says Dr Chen. 

“And children have such fresh and uncoloured perspectives. They, in turn, teach us so much!”

About the Award

The AECES Award is presented to the top graduating student from the Master of Early Childhood Education programme and the top three graduating students from the Bachelor of Early Childhood and Chinese Language Education programmes. It is made possible by AECES, Singapore.

Learning Guides with a Mission
When Yimeng began her career in a preschool, she found that there was so much to learn about early childhood education. 

Her curiosity led her to embark on further education in SUSS, where she emerged as one of the top graduating students from the early childhood education programme in 2023.

Yimeng highlights three crucial ways in which the programme has equipped her as an educator. 

First, she says, she acquired a solid theoretical foundation to better understand children and empathise with them. Second, she gained a wider perspective on nurturing children holistically. 

“Beyond being happy persons, children can be complete persons,” she explains. 

Third, now with tools and frameworks under her belt, she feels more assured about coming up with robust teaching ideas that are also aligned with local policies and contexts. 

Receiving the AECES Award has encouraged Yimeng to give only her best to the children. 

“I believe that early childhood educators are not knowledge givers but learning guides. As a guide, my mission is to create a positive environment where children can learn and explore independently. I am right beside them all the while, building in each of them the confidence, creativity and compassion that are so important to thrive in life.” 


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