Self-Doubt to Triumph 

SUSS giving day

Ng Jing Xuan, the top graduate from the Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Systems) programme, shares a few tips on perseverance, which can be especially useful for part-time undergraduates managing both work and study.

Jing Xuan was an engineer in the Air Force when he decided to embark on part-time studies at SUSS.

“It was a gruelling five-year journey managing work and study,” he says. 

He persisted in doing well because he was financing his own studies, which motivated him to ensure that no money would go to waste.

When he received the ST Engineering Aerospace Gold Award, he felt recognised for the mental fortitude and hard work he had invested in his studies.

“I never thought about applying for any of the scholarships, as I did not have good diploma results,” he says. “So getting the award means a lot to me. I used to have self-doubt for a long time due to my poor results in the past. Now, I’ve proven to myself and others that I can develop my abilities if I set my heart and mind to it.”

He adds, “I’m also thankful that the award offers some financial relief, as I had used a huge chunk of my savings to finance my studies.”

After graduating, Jing Xuan left the Air Force to join ST Engineering as a project engineer.

“ST Engineering recognised my efforts and capability. I am thankful for that and want to give the organisation my very best,” he says. 

Tips on Perseverance

1. Practise time management
Jing Xuan explains, “SUSS allows part-time students to choose their own modules. Use this as an opportunity to plan your schedule well. It’s inevitable to skip a few lessons due to work or family commitments, but make sure you carve out time to catch up on your studies.” 

2. Get familiar with sacrificing
“Because it’s necessary,” Jing Xuan says. “All of us have limited hours in a day. I sacrificed my social time during these challenging work and study years, and I’m lucky to have loved ones who understand.”

3. Stay motivated
“You have to find the reason for putting yourself through this and keep reminding yourself of it,” he says. “For me, it’s the long-term goal of having better opportunities in life. The short-term goal was making sure I did not waste the hard-earned money I was spending on my studies.” 

About the Award

The ST Engineering Aerospace Award is presented to the top three graduating students from the Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Systems) programme. It is made possible by ST Engineering.

Solutions for a More Secure, Sustainable World

ST Engineering is a global technology, defence and engineering group with a diverse portfolio of businesses across the aerospace, smart city, defence and public security segments. The group harnesses technology and innovation to solve real-world problems, enabling a more secure and sustainable world.


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