A Multiplier Effect
for Good

SUSS giving day

Supporting students is a good investment into the future as they can contribute back to society. Mr Albert Wong shares his motivation for giving and how every donation holds the potential to have a multiplier effect for good.

From a young age, Mr Wong has been dedicated to helping the underprivileged, starting with modest contributions. After moving to Singapore and establishing a couple of successful businesses, his capacity to give grew. Over time, donating to those in need has become a deeply ingrained habit, allowing him to make more substantial donations.

“The culture of giving can have a long-lasting impact. When we help underprivileged students, they can have the capacity to help others. In this way, our donations can be multiplied many times in the future,” he says. 

He encourages those who are facing financial difficulties to complete their studies and not give up. “With education, there is always hope for a better future,” he adds.

“I hope to be a good example to others, especially my children. I believe most people yearn to do good and give back to society. It is this giving culture that will elevate Singapore to become a better and more selfless society.”

About the Award

The Albert Wong Study Award was set up to provide financial assistance to financially disadvantaged students at SUSS and to encourage them to contribute back to society. The award will be used for the recipients’ educational expenses such as tuition fees and course materials. 

Each year, three study awards are given out to part-time first-year students from the S R Nathan School of Human Development, the School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences and the School of Science and Technology. 

The award is made possible by Mr Wong.


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