A Catalyst for a
Better Tomorrow

SUSS giving day

The donors of the Catalyst Study Award, who wish to remain anonymous, share their hopes and wishes for the students whom they are supporting.

“Every contribution counts.

We have chosen to contribute to the area of education, as it will help students secure a better and brighter future.

Through the Catalyst Study Award, we offer help and encouragement to students who are financially disadvantaged and deserving, especially to those who demonstrate a passionate concern for humanity and their local community. 

We hope that someday, when these students are ready, they, too, can extend support to others who come from similarly disadvantaged backgrounds or who need a helping hand.

May this award be a catalyst towards a better tomorrow.”

About the Award

The Catalyst Study Award is granted to deserving full-time undergraduates with financial needs.

Little Miss Sunshine
“The Catalyst Study Award not only helps to ease the financial burden of tuition fees; it also recognises efforts in community work and spurs me on in this area.

I’ve always enjoyed spreading positivity in my immediate community. This is because I’ve learnt to overcome struggles in life and realised that I can encourage others to be resilient too!

An example is my A levels journey. I had to retake the A levels and was placed in a class of juniors. I accepted this as a challenge and practised gratitude – it was, at the very least, another chance for me. My new classmates were pretty stressed about the A levels. Drawing from my own experiences, I identified with their struggles and suggested some stress-relief activities such as sports, coffee breaks and group study sessions. Over time, we evolved into a close-knit community. To this day, we continue to support one another through life’s ups and downs!

Right now, I’m part of the SUSS Community Engagement Programme in collaboration with Oasis Primary School, where I’ve discovered the joy of being a big-sister figure. I help primary six students navigate the next phase of their lives. I find it meaningful to ignite their passion in their interests and goals. Witnessing the sparkle in their eyes as they realise the multitude of pathways available to them is truly fulfilling.”


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