Creating Meaningful Spaces for
Communities to Flourish

SUSS giving day

The next generation of talent will be driving future innovations and improvements in the built environment, shaping sustainable and resilient spaces. The Lighthouse Club Singapore is committed to fostering their education for a future where infrastructure has to meet Singapore’s evolving needs.

Every construction project is not just about buildings; it’s about creating spaces where life happens and communities flourish.

“We believe that a society thrives when its members support and care for one another,” Ms Karthini shares. “In the grand blueprint of life, it is essential that we all act as beams and pillars, supporting and protecting one another like a well-constructed scaffolding.”

This belief extends to supporting SUSS built environment students, with Lighthouse Club Singapore offering book prizes as part of its commitment to nurturing the next generation. The club provides financial assistance to construction workers who suffer industry-related accidents or illness, and promotes professional development of construction professionals.

“By acknowledging and rewarding academic excellence, we hope to empower students and inspire in them a continuous pursuit of learning, innovation and ethical practices that will, in turn, bring positive changes in the built environment sector,” Ms Karthini says.

“Students are the architects of their future, and education is a cornerstone for not only individual success but also for the advancement of the entire construction industry.”

To these future changemakers, Ms Karthini has these words of encouragement: 

“Remember, every skyscraper starts with a single brick. Your journey in shaping the built environment may seem daunting now, but your passion and perseverance are the tools that will build wonders.”

“Your work has the power to shape communities and the environment, so embrace your journey with confidence and a willingness to learn and innovate. Your potential to make a significant impact is limitless!”

About the Award

The Lighthouse Club (Singapore) Book Prize in Construction Law and the Lighthouse Club (Singapore) Book Prize in Construction Project Management are presented to the students with the highest aggregate score in Construction Law and Construction Project Management under the Bachelor of Building and Project Management programme. The awards are made possible by Lighthouse Club Singapore.

The Courage to Continue
Even though it was tough balancing work and studies, Johny managed to pull through and graduate thanks to the unyielding support of his family and friends.

“I am deeply honoured and grateful to receive this award, which serves as a reminder of the potential we all have to contribute and make a difference in the work that we do. Just as how I was helped in my studies, I aspire to use my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact on society,” he says.

To those who are facing similar challenges or are struggling now, Johny offers: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop learning. Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”


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