It’s Okay Not to
Be Okay

SUSS giving day

C-three (Counselling & Life Coaching) is a centre that offers a safe environment to SUSS students who need help with their mental health. We speak with the C-three team about the work they do and the meaningful ways we can support our loved ones.

Q: Why was C-three established?

C-three team: C-three, launched in 2009, was set up to service the psycho-emotional needs of SUSS students and serve as a practicum site for those in the counselling programme. Our team comprises counsellors, psychologists and life coaches.

Over the years, there has been increasing demand for mental health support, so we have increased our manpower and programmes. In addition to the counselling and life coaching services, C-three also offers workshops and talks on mental health issues for both full-time and part-time students. 

Q: Why should we start prioritising our mental health?

C-three team: Our mental health has a profound influence on our holistic well-being. It shapes our cognitive processes, emotional states and behaviours. Any one of us struggling with our mental health will likely experience breakdowns or find it challenging to function optimally. The time to care for our mental health begins now!

SUSS giving day

The C-three team of professional counsellors, psychologists and llfe coaches endeavours to help SUSS students navigate periods of distress, so that they may develop personal capacity and resilience.

Q: What are some of the common mental health struggles of university students?

C-three team: University students have to balance academic commitments, familial responsibilities, interpersonal relationships and employment. In the midst of all this, they sometimes find themselves confronting overwhelming pressures. 

Additionally, existential crises – exemplified by recent global events such as the pandemic – coupled with uncertainties in the present and future global climate, contribute to their stress levels. 

We help students to manage challenges and develop coping strategies. This not only supports their immediate well-being but also equips them with valuable resources that they can take with them beyond their academic time at SUSS.

Q: Many of us do not have mental health training. How can we care for loved ones who are going through a mental health crisis?

C-three team: Even though you may not be trained in mental health, you can still be a source of support to a loved one in need. 

Be present, practise active listening, empathise with the person and familiarise yourself with some of the available community support channels and resources. 

We also recommend exercising caution and refraining from hastily offering advice or solutions to your loved one. Instead, make space for a nuanced and compassionate response to the individual’s unique circumstances.

About the Fund

C-three administers the C-three Mental Health Assessment Fund, which provides SUSS students with financial aid and access to specialised psychiatric evaluation and clinical intervention. Timely intervention prevents further deterioration and enables the students to continue their studies, retain their employment, maintain supportive relationships and be active contributing members of society.


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