We Care

At the height of the pandemic, the numerous calls for financial assistance from students prompted the initiation of many support funds, including community funds for each SUSS school. We take a look at these funds and how they provide help to students and allow the respective deans flexibility to address the immediate needs of the school.

NSHD Alumni Fund

The NSHD Alumni Fund was established by the alumni and faculty of the S R Nathan School of Human Development (NSHD) to help financially disadvantaged NSHD students through study and exchange grants, practicum stipends and research grants, and in areas such as service-learning and student activity projects.

Associate Professor Lim Lee Ching, Dean of NSHD, shares, “The SUSS spirit has always put the community first. Support funds are one way that we share our concern for our student community, as well as the wider university community and Singaporean society.” 

SHBS Student Support Fund

The SHBS Student Support Fund was established by the staff and faculty of the School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences (SHBS) and is generously supported by the SUSS community, including staff, faculty, students and alumni. The fund assists SHBS students with fees and other expenses.  Since its inception, 42 SHBS students have benefitted from the fund.

“In their application forms, students often mention needing financial help with course fees, caring for their parents, childcare fees and rent. This is our way of helping them tide through these challenges,” shares Associate Professor Ludwig Tan, Dean of SHBS.

SST Student Support Fund

The SST Student Support Fund was established by the School of Science and Technology (SST) to provide SST students with short-term or transient financial assistance and to assist them in their Capstone Projects – a dissertation course in the Honours programmes. 

Associate Professor Tan Teng Hooi, Dean of SST, shares, “At SST, students are equipped with the skills to harness technology effectively, with a focus on experimenting with emerging technologies to discover disruptive solutions that will advance society. We hope this fund will allow every student to excel and fulfil their potential in their chosen careers.”

SBIZ Student Support Fund

The SBIZ Student Support Fund provides financial assistance to the School of Business (SBIZ) students by defraying the cost of course materials and/or assisting with tuition fees. Most of the funds are raised by the school’s faculty members through donations and initiatives such as the SBIZ Better Together Challenge fundraiser for the SUSS Giving Day.

“As a school community, we contribute back to our students who need help so that they can focus on their studies without needing to worry about their finances,” shares Associate Professor Allan Chia, Dean of SBIZ.

SLAW Student Support Fund

The SLAW Student Support Fund was established to provide financial assistance to the School of Law (SLAW) students. It aims to defray the cost of course materials and/or assist with tuition fees. Since its inception, 39 SLAW students have benefitted from the fund.

“The SLAW Student Support Fund is not just about financial aid; it’s about nurturing the dreams and aspirations of those who will uphold the rule of law and advocate for justice. As they commit to their studies, we commit to them, ensuring that no aspiring mind is hindered by financial barriers,” shares Professor Leslie Chew, Dean of SLAW.


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