Bridging the
Digital Divide

SUSS giving day

Class Giving is an annual student-led initiative that aims to support the various needs of SUSS students. The 2023 Class Giving Committee started the SUSS Tech Grant Fund for students who need technological devices, such as laptops, to aid their studies. The committee has raised over $20,000 through the support of more than 350 donors. We speak with Fareeshah Dawood Epeer, Co-Chair of the committee, to learn more about the initiative and what it means to embody the spirit of giving.

Why did you decide to participate in Class Giving?

Fareeshah: I think it is a brilliant initiative that allows students to come together and contribute to a meaningful cause. Hence, when the university invited me to participate, I accepted it even though I’d already graduated. I wanted to contribute as an alumnus!

Can you share with us more about the Tech Grant Fund and the motivation behind starting it?

Fareeshah: When the 2023 committee came together to discuss the various needs of the student community, one consistent thread was the need for technological devices such as laptops and tablets for studies. Although purchasing these devices may be affordable for most of us, it is still an expensive need when pitted against necessities like food and bills. We later learnt that the university had provided grants for students to purchase or replace broken laptops during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were well-received. This signalled a current need in the student body. 

SUSS giving day

Fareeshah (third from the left) with the 2023 Class Giving Committee members.

What was the biggest challenge faced during fundraising and how did the community overcome it?

Fareeshah: Time and manpower. Although we were a big group, we were all busy with our different schedules. Thankfully, we pulled through as a team and managed to run several fundraisers, including virtual ones.

One of these was a booth where we raised funds using tote bags. To garner the students’ interest, we launched a “Design a Tote Bag” competition where the two winning designs were produced and sold at our booth. The entire experience was fun and the bags were well-received!

Why do you think it is important for the SUSS community to come together to do good?

Fareeshah: I strongly believe it goes back to the essence of being an SUSS student. SUSS’s Spirit of Learning is very much intertwined with the spirit of giving. To learn is to give and to give is to learn. If we are blessed with more, it is our responsibility to share our blessings with others. As cliche as it sounds, together we can make a difference!


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